Calculate aggregate forecast

Calculate aggregate forecast

Optimize forecasting at more aggregated levels by grouping sales historical data taking advantage of a larger dataset.

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En savoir plus sur notre plugin : Calculate aggregate forecast

With this functionality you will leverage the aggregation of historical sales data to improve the forecast at more aggregated levels, benefiting from a broader data set.

By aggregating data at higher levels, random and seasonal variations are smoothed out, improving forecast accuracy by removing noise and highlighting underlying trends. Lower-level apportionments are made from historical weights detected on a month-by-month basis.

Fiche technique

Version : 1.0
Dernière mise à jour : 1/3/2024

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Data aggregation

Data aggregation

Combines individual sales of similar products within the same family to get an overview of demand.

Trend identification

Trend identification

Identifies general patterns and trends in product family demand, helping to predict future behavior.

Last level apportionment

Last level apportionment

Distributes by historical weights of demand at product level and sales dimension.

Calculate aggregate forecast

Calculate aggregate forecast

Optimize forecasting at more aggregated levels by grouping sales historical data taking advantage of a larger dataset.