Pending orders manager

Pending orders manager

Load pending orders to visualize them alongside your demand forecast and use them to plan procurement and production accordingly.

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En savoir plus sur notre plugin : Pending orders manager

With this plugin, you'll be able to load future sales orders into the system that have been confirmed by the customer beforehand. This information will be useful for planning production, replenishment, and distribution efficiently, as it allows for more precise anticipation of future demand since they are commitments already agreed upon with the customer.

Furthermore, future sales orders will also be useful for inventory management and forecast recalculations. By knowing the purchasing commitments from customers, they can be considered in the forecast calculation and maintain an adequate level of inventory to fulfill orders without incurring excess storage or product shortages.

Fiche technique

Version : 1.0
Dernière mise à jour : 1/3/2024

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Graphical display of confirmed orders

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Pending orders manager

Pending orders manager

Load pending orders to visualize them alongside your demand forecast and use them to plan procurement and production accordingly.