Detection of new product additions

Detection of new product additions

Allows identification of items within the portfolio that have not yet had any sales and are potentially new additions to the company.

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En savoir plus sur notre plugin : Detection of new product additions

The Detection of New Product Additions plugin helps you track newly introduced products that have not yet recorded any sales. In many cases, new products are added to the database alongside existing ones, making them difficult to identify in their initial stages.

This tool allows you to easily locate and monitor these new additions, ensuring they receive the necessary attention for evaluation and strategic decision-making. Gain better control over your product portfolio and optimize the launch of new references.

Fiche technique

Version : 1.0
Dernière mise à jour : 1/2/2024

Intégrez le plugin et allez un pas plus loin dans l'optimisation de votre outil.

Early performance monitoring

Early performance monitoring

Track and analyze the initial sales behavior of new references.

Simplified product tracking

Simplified product tracking

Easily access and manage new additions without losing them in a large catalog.

Strategic decision support

Strategic decision support

Gain insights into new product launches to make informed business decisions.

Detection of new product additions

Detection of new product additions

Allows identification of items within the portfolio that have not yet had any sales and are potentially new additions to the company.