DFA indicator

DFA indicator

Activate the DFA indicator to detect to detect forecast deviations, indicating the level of accuracy in predicting actual demand.

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En savoir plus sur notre plugin : DFA indicator

Thanks to the DFA error plugin you will be able to know how accurate your forecasts are. The DFA (Distribution of Frequency Error) evaluates both the precision and the accuracy of the forecast, as it considers the distribution of errors and how the forecasts deviate from the actual values.

In addition, DFA is less sensitive to outliers and large deviations, making it more robust in environments with irregular data. A higher DFA value indicates lower forecast accuracy, suggesting larger discrepancies between forecast and actual values. Conversely, a lower DFA value indicates higher forecast accuracy, as it suggests that the forecast is closely aligned with actual sales or demand.

Fiche technique

Version : 1.0
Dernière mise à jour : 1/10/2023

Intégrez le plugin et allez un pas plus loin dans l'optimisation de votre outil.

Report generation

Report generation

Include this indicator in the most relevant reports offered by the tool, as well as in the control tower, to have a quick overview of those products that need more attention.

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement

Facilitates a continuous improvement process by providing feedback on forecast accuracy.

Deviation identification

Deviation identification

Identifies whether forecasts are consistently trending away from actual demand.

DFA indicator

DFA indicator

Activate the DFA indicator to detect to detect forecast deviations, indicating the level of accuracy in predicting actual demand.