SFTP export purchase orders

SFTP export purchase orders

Effortlessly send the planned purchase orders from SCP to other tools, such as the ERP, via secure SFTP transfer.

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En savoir plus sur notre plugin : SFTP export purchase orders

The SFTP synchronization plugin is a solution for seamless integration between our replenishment module and your company's ERP system. By allowing the manual and automated export of purchase orders proposed by our tool, we eliminate the dependency on error-prone manual processes. This synchronization, which is performed periodically and systematically, ensures data consistency and accuracy between both platforms, improving operational efficiency and reducing the risk of out-of-sync between systems.

Fiche technique

Version : 1.0
Dernière mise à jour : 1/12/2023

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Pre-shipment validation

Pre-shipment validation

Validate only the proposed orders you want to send to the ERP, thus segregating the information and sending only the orders you want to formalize.

Secure Transfer

Secure Transfer

SFTP uses encryption protocols to protect data during transfer, ensuring confidentiality and information integrity.

Direct Connection

Direct Connection

Streamline your processes by sending information directly from one system to another, avoiding intermediate and manual processes.

SFTP export purchase orders

SFTP export purchase orders

Effortlessly send the planned purchase orders from SCP to other tools, such as the ERP, via secure SFTP transfer.