Forecasting concepts

Forecasting concepts

Assign forecast modifications to predefined concepts, effectively tracking the events that impact your demand.

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En savoir plus sur notre plugin : Forecasting concepts

This functionality allows users to enter various specific concepts when modifying forecasts, providing them with the ability to classify these modifications according to their nature. This classification of modifications facilitates detailed tracking of events that impact demand, providing a clear view of how certain events affect demand and helping users make more informed and strategic decisions to effectively manage their supply chain.

Fiche technique

Version : 1.0
Dernière mise à jour : 1/8/2023

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Customization and flexibility

Customization and flexibility

Customize the way forecast changes are categorized and managed, tailoring the tool to your specific business needs.

Detailed tracking

Detailed tracking

Detailed analysis of the changes made segmented by commercial promotions, In&Out, inventory breaks and other events.

Forecast optimization

Forecast optimization

Incorporate events that affect the behavior of your demand base and commercial knowledge into demand planning, optimally adjusting future forecasts.

Forecasting concepts

Forecasting concepts

Assign forecast modifications to predefined concepts, effectively tracking the events that impact your demand.