Visualize the demand and requirements generated by production orders, sales, supplier purchases, or intercompany transfers, all in a single report.
Demander une démo gratuiteWith our MPS/MRP Report plugin you get all the data you need to optimize your production and materials management. Both reports provide information for planning the production of finished products and ensuring that the materials required for this are available at the right time.
The MRP (Material Requirements Planning) system helps to manage inventories and plan production. This report includes data such as Bill of Materials (BOM), Current Inventory, Backorders, Demand Forecasts, Production Plan, Material Requirements and Suggested Purchase Orders.
The MPS (Master Production Planning) system focuses on the production planning of finished products and is usually a preliminary step to MRP. Within this report we can find information such as Production Schedule, Confirmed Demand, Demand Forecasts, Production Capacity, Production Orders, Safety Stock and Service Level.
Fiche technique
Version : | 1.0 |
Dernière mise à jour : | 1/1/1970 |
Étiquettes: |
Avoids both excess and shortage of materials.
Facilitates production planning and scheduling to meet the MPS.
Ensures production is aligned with market needs.
Ensures that production capacities are used efficiently.
Visualize the demand and requirements generated by production orders, sales, supplier purchases, or intercompany transfers, all in a single report.
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