Assign multiple suppliers to a material, and SCP will select the most appropriate one based on its procurement criteria.
Demander une démo gratuiteThis plugin offers a comprehensive solution for supplier management, allowing companies to diversify their sources of supply and reduce their dependence on a single supplier. It facilitates the continuous evaluation and comparison of prices, delivery times and other relevant factors of each supplier.
This enables informed decisions and selection of the supplier that offers the optimal combination of cost, quality, and delivery time in each situation.
Fiche technique
Version : | 1.0 |
Dernière mise à jour : | 1/1/2024 |
Étiquettes: |
By having multiple suppliers for the same reference, supplier dependency is reduced, mitigating the risk of supply interruptions due to problems such as delivery delays.
Evaluate the delivery times of each supplier and schedule orders in a way that minimizes lead times and optimizes inventory availability.
Enables the possibility of placing orders to punctual suppliers in case of emergencies.
Assign multiple suppliers to a material, and SCP will select the most appropriate one based on its procurement criteria.
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