Recalculate the statistical forecast in SCP every time to provide an updated result. This result will be saved in the 'Original' scenario without affecting any manual modifications to the forecast.
Demander une démo gratuiteThis plugin allows a dynamic evolution of the baseline in those months where there have been commercial interventions in the forecast. This provides an updated version of the calculation, detecting actual demand trends and patterns and, at the same time, allows to retain those modifications made by sales or the demand planner.
This dual view provides decision-makers with more accurate and timely information for production planning and inventory management, while making it easier to evaluate the effectiveness of sales and planning actions by comparing the recalculated forecast with the original forecast.
Fiche technique
Version : | 1.0 |
Dernière mise à jour : | 1/1/1970 |
Étiquettes: |
Continuous adaptation of the forecast as updated demand data is received and adjustments are made based on market conditions.
Greater flexibility to adapt to sudden changes, enabling the company to respond more nimbly and efficiently to emerging challenges and opportunities.
By regularly updating the forecast, more accurate and timely information is provided to plan production, manage inventories and develop sales strategies.
Recalculate the statistical forecast in SCP every time to provide an updated result. This result will be saved in the 'Original' scenario without affecting any manual modifications to the forecast.
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