Product substitution

Product substitution

Consider the historical sales of discontinued products to calculate the demand forecast for those that replace or cannibalize them.

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En savoir plus sur notre plugin : Product substitution

This feature enables the concatenation and harmonization of historical data from discontinued products with data from new product launches, ensuring that the time series are consistent and complete. By merging these data sets, demand patterns and seasonalities can be identified, which might otherwise be overlooked. This not only enhances demand forecast accuracy but also enables improved inventory planning and optimization of supply strategies.

Fiche technique

Version : 1.0
Dernière mise à jour : 1/1/1970

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Enhanced Forecast Accuracy

Enhanced Forecast Accuracy

By integrating historical data with new data, more accurate and reliable demand forecasts are obtained.

Comprehensive Product View

Comprehensive Product View

Offers a complete view of product behaviour, regardless of code changes.

Product substitution

Product substitution

Consider the historical sales of discontinued products to calculate the demand forecast for those that replace or cannibalize them.