Supplier contracts management

Supplier contracts management

Monitor supplier contracts, providing alerts and key performance indicators.

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En savoir plus sur notre plugin : Supplier contracts management

The Supplier Contract Management plugin is designed to address the complexities of supplier contracts and streamline procurement processes for companies with varied supplier relationships. It enables efficient management of procurement volumes and contractual terms, with features to create, edit, and delete contracts, adjust volumes, and extensions. Additionally, it provides integration with inventory management systems for complete visibility of materials associated with contracts, facilitating proactive decision-making.

Fiche technique

Version : 1.0
Dernière mise à jour : 1/1/1970

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Contract Management

Contract Management

Allows creation, editing, and deletion of contracts, with options for volume adjustments and contract extensions.

Alert Generation

Alert Generation

Receive alerts on upcoming contract expirations and unfulfilled volumes, facilitating proactive contract management and supply chain optimization.

Procurement Flexibility

Procurement Flexibility

Adaptable to various procurement scenarios, including individual and multiple contracts with suppliers, with customizable allocation policies.

Supplier contracts management

Supplier contracts management

Monitor supplier contracts, providing alerts and key performance indicators.