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Year-on-year performance report

Year-on-year performance report

With the activation of this plugin you will be able to analyze and compare the sales performance of your company or product during a specific period of one year with the same period of the previous year. This report will provide you with a detailed view of how sales have evolved over time, identifying trends, patterns and changes in customer buying behavior.

It also allows you to evaluate sales growth or decline, identify factors that have contributed to these changes and make strategic decisions based on the information obtained.
Technical specifications



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Caracterísiticas del plugin

Segment comparison

Compares sales between different customer segments, geographic regions or distribution channels.
Caracterísiticas del plugin

Trend analysis

Identifies and analyzes trends in sales behavior, such as growth, seasonality or fluctuations.
Caracterísiticas del plugin

Graphs and charts

Use graphs and charts to easily visualize the evolution of sales over time.

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Avatar plugin

Year-on-year performance report

Analyzes the evolution of the last months compared to previous years to detect variations in the year-on-year trend.

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