Extended forecasting horizon

Extended forecasting horizon

Lengthen the planning horizon to analyze your demand beyond 12 months.

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Learn more about our plugin: Extended forecasting horizon

This plugin is for companies that require long-term planning for more than one year. It allows you to customize the number of forecast months that the tool can project, which results in the ability to make a purchase plan with a much longer horizon.

Having a forecast with a longer projection benefits those users who work with suppliers that have delivery times longer than 12 months and who must anticipate having material available in their manufacturing processes.

Technical sheet

Version: 1.0
Last update: 1/11/2023

Integrate the plugin and go one step further in optimising your tool.

Strategic decisions

Strategic decisions

Visualize the long-term behavior of the company to anticipate crucial strategic decisions.

Trend analysis

Trend analysis

Provides a broad view of future sales behavior, enabling better understanding and planning.



Projects over 12 months to use data as a basis for budgeting, facilitating financial and operational planning.

Extended forecasting horizon

Extended forecasting horizon

Lengthen the planning horizon to analyze your demand beyond 12 months.


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