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Historical and Projected Rotation Report

Historical and Projected Rotation Report

By activating the Inventory Turnover and Overstock report you will access key information about how fast inventory is moving within your company and whether there is an excessive amount of stock compared to demand. By analyzing inventory turnover, you can determine if products are selling quickly or if they are sitting stagnant in the warehouse, allowing you to adjust your buying and selling strategies to maximize sales and minimize storage costs.

In addition, the report identifies any excess stock based on maximum coverage, i.e., products that are held in excess compared to demand. This helps avoid the risk of obsolescence, reduces storage cost, and frees up capital that would otherwise be tied up in unsold inventory.
Technical specifications



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Caracterísiticas del plugin

Inventory turnover analysis

Calculates inventory turnover for each product, showing how many times it has been sold in a specific period.
Caracterísiticas del plugin

Overstock identification

Detects products with inventory levels in excess of demand.
Caracterísiticas del plugin

Historical comparison

Allows you to compare turnover and overstock with previous periods to evaluate trends and make informed decisions.

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Historical and Projected Rotation Report

Report that analyzes inventory turnover and overstock based on historical and calculated demand.

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